Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Breast Cancer Facts

Breast Cancer Facts

    From Where did breast cancer has come? How do we get this dangerous breast cancer? There are plenty of this types of questions that I ask and wonder about...how about you? What I have come to know after plenty of search, surfing and learning, that cancer comes from a lifestyle. Now, a quantity of people may disagree with me on this. You may say, that your mom had it or your grandma or someone else in the relatives. But, in the event you give it some thought lifestyles are passed down from generation, to generation, and sometimes the lifestyles are not nice ones, when it comes down to looking after our bodies.  I also understand that their are certain genes that are passed down to next geneation, but I do not believe that breast cancer is one of them.  I believe that it is the lifestyle that is passed down that causes us to have certain disease.
I believe that because of some unhygeinic foods, smoking, drinks and medicines may cause a gene in our bodies to mutate, and it is this mutated gene that is passed down.  And depending on how well you treat yourself, depends on wheather or not that gene will mutate.  So, what I am saying is that I don't believe that breast cancer is a natural inherited trait, because to be sick is not natural it is the deviation away from what is natural. Please allow me to say this...rather we believe it or not, pork, yes pork is the cause of a lot of cancers.  If you would just stop eating this filthy animal you would cure over 90% of what ails you.
Did you know that the drug industry preys on those of us who find it hard to lose weight. They tell us to take a diet pill and this will help us to lose weight.  But those diet pills will and do cause breast cancer according to one breast cancer patient. she was not even able to walk because of her fattyness.
So she made the decision to purchase and take diet pills.  Well it took less than one month after taking the pill she discovered hard lumps in both breast. she said that is what(pills) had given her the breast cancer without a doubt.  Then her sister did the same thing I guess that she did want to believe her that it was the diet pills.  So she went out and purchased her some but of a different brand and hard lumps appeard in both of her breast so she discontinued her use of them.
       I wanted to share their stories with you so that you can make an informed decision about your health.  And some of you who are taking the pill may you be blessed with good health.
Did you know that the word Cer which is the ending of the word cancer.  It is a wax cloth correclty named cerecloth, and it  is used to wrap dead bodies.  And this is the way cancer acts.  It wraps the infected organ and chokes the life out of it.
Our diets should be really be made up of simple foods so if you get sick or feel ill it would be eaiser to find what is causing the problem.  But if you don't have a simple diet then you need to take everything out of your diet that does not produce its own water and this will help you find the culprit and get rid of it.

There are a whole list of foods that we should not eat so rather than write that list I will write you what you should eat.  Beans, Navy Beans, Small Red Beans (not pinto), Black Beans and Lentils.  Anything else is considered cattle food.  We can eat all fruits, but not all vegitables.  We should limit ourselves on how many green vegetables we eat.  We can eat  spinach, and brocoli, okra, zucchini, cabbage (but make sure to remove the dark green leaves) and green beans.  We should not eat nuts at all because nuts takes 5 years off of our life...believe it or not.  Nuts are too hard on our delicate stomach.  And our bodies cannot digest nuts no matter what you do to them.  We can eat seeds pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and almonds (almonds are considered a seed because the tree flowers and also you can get them from the middle of a peach seed).  Things such as chips, cookies, ice cream, crackers, candy, fried foods, among others should not be eaten at all or eaten in moderation, once every other month.
Drinking, smoking and drugs should be avoided at all times.
This blog is in no way written to give medical advice or to presuade not to seek medical advice.

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