Thursday, March 24, 2011

Breast Cancer Stages

Breast Cancer Stages.

There are Total Four Stages of Breast Cancer..
Cancer stages are based on the size of the tumor, whether the cancer is Dangerous or non-Dangerous, and whether the cancer has spread beyond the breast, whether lymph nodes are involved.
The purpose of the staging system in Breast Cancer is to help organize the different factors and some of the personality features of the cancer into categories, in order to:
  1. Best understand your prognosis (outcome of the disease),
  2. Provide a common way for doctors and nurses all over the world to describe the extent of breast cancer, so that results of your treatment can be compared and understood,
  3. Guide treatment decisions, since clinical studies of breast cancer treatments that you and your doctor will think about are partly organized by the staging system. 
#  Stage 0 :
Stage 0 is used to report non-Dangerous breast cancers, such as DCIS and LCIS. In stage 0, there is no evidence of cancer cells or non-cancerous abnormal cells breaking out of the part of the breast in which they started, or of getting through to or tending neighboring normal tissue.

#  Stage I :
Stage I describes invasive breast cancer (cancer cells are breaking through to or tending neighboring normal tissue) in which:
  1. The tumor measures up to 2 centimeters AND
  2. No lymph nodes are involved.
#  Stage II :
Stage II is divided into subcategories termed as IIA and IIB.
Stage IIA describes Dangerous breast cancer in which:
  1. No tumor can be found in the breast, but cancer cells are found in the axillary lymph nodes (the lymph nodes under the arm), OR
  2. The tumor measures 2 centimeters or less and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, OR
  3. The tumor is larger than 2 centimeters but not larger than 5 centimeters and has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
Stage IIB describes invasive breast cancer in which:
  1. The tumor is larger than 2 centimeters but not larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, OR
  2. The tumor is larger than 5 centimeters but has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
#  Stage III :
Stage III is divided into subcategories known as IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC.
Stage IIIA describes invasive breast cancer in which either:
  1. No tumor is found in the breast. Cancer is found in axillary lymph nodes that are clustered together or sticking to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone, OR
  2. The tumor is 5 centimeters or smaller and has spread to axillary lymph nodes that are clumped together or sticking to other structures, OR
  3. The tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to axillary lymph nodes that are clustered together or sticking to other structures
Stage IIIB describes invasive breast cancer in which:
  1. The tumor may be any size and has spread to the chest wall and/or skin of the breast AND
  2. May have spread to axillary lymph nodes that are clustered together or sticking to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone,
  3. Inflammatory breast cancer is considered at least stage IIIB.
Stage IIIC describes invasive breast cancer in which:
  1. There may be no sign of cancer in the breast or, if there is a tumor, it may be any size and may have spread to the chest wall and/or the skin of the breast, AND
  2. The cancer has spread to lymph nodes above or below the collarbone, AND
  3. The cancer may have spread to axillary lymph nodes or to lymph nodes near the breastbone.
#  Stage IV :
Stage IV describes invasive breast cancer in which:
  1. The cancer has spread to other organs of the body -- usually the lungs, liver, bone, or brain.
"Metastatic at presentation" means that the breast cancer has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes, even though this is the first diagnosis of breast cancer. The reason for this is that the primary breast cancer was not found when it was only inside the breast. Metastatic cancer is considered stage IV.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Breast Cancer Facts

Breast Cancer Facts

    From Where did breast cancer has come? How do we get this dangerous breast cancer? There are plenty of this types of questions that I ask and wonder about you? What I have come to know after plenty of search, surfing and learning, that cancer comes from a lifestyle. Now, a quantity of people may disagree with me on this. You may say, that your mom had it or your grandma or someone else in the relatives. But, in the event you give it some thought lifestyles are passed down from generation, to generation, and sometimes the lifestyles are not nice ones, when it comes down to looking after our bodies.  I also understand that their are certain genes that are passed down to next geneation, but I do not believe that breast cancer is one of them.  I believe that it is the lifestyle that is passed down that causes us to have certain disease.
I believe that because of some unhygeinic foods, smoking, drinks and medicines may cause a gene in our bodies to mutate, and it is this mutated gene that is passed down.  And depending on how well you treat yourself, depends on wheather or not that gene will mutate.  So, what I am saying is that I don't believe that breast cancer is a natural inherited trait, because to be sick is not natural it is the deviation away from what is natural. Please allow me to say this...rather we believe it or not, pork, yes pork is the cause of a lot of cancers.  If you would just stop eating this filthy animal you would cure over 90% of what ails you.
Did you know that the drug industry preys on those of us who find it hard to lose weight. They tell us to take a diet pill and this will help us to lose weight.  But those diet pills will and do cause breast cancer according to one breast cancer patient. she was not even able to walk because of her fattyness.
So she made the decision to purchase and take diet pills.  Well it took less than one month after taking the pill she discovered hard lumps in both breast. she said that is what(pills) had given her the breast cancer without a doubt.  Then her sister did the same thing I guess that she did want to believe her that it was the diet pills.  So she went out and purchased her some but of a different brand and hard lumps appeard in both of her breast so she discontinued her use of them.
       I wanted to share their stories with you so that you can make an informed decision about your health.  And some of you who are taking the pill may you be blessed with good health.
Did you know that the word Cer which is the ending of the word cancer.  It is a wax cloth correclty named cerecloth, and it  is used to wrap dead bodies.  And this is the way cancer acts.  It wraps the infected organ and chokes the life out of it.
Our diets should be really be made up of simple foods so if you get sick or feel ill it would be eaiser to find what is causing the problem.  But if you don't have a simple diet then you need to take everything out of your diet that does not produce its own water and this will help you find the culprit and get rid of it.

There are a whole list of foods that we should not eat so rather than write that list I will write you what you should eat.  Beans, Navy Beans, Small Red Beans (not pinto), Black Beans and Lentils.  Anything else is considered cattle food.  We can eat all fruits, but not all vegitables.  We should limit ourselves on how many green vegetables we eat.  We can eat  spinach, and brocoli, okra, zucchini, cabbage (but make sure to remove the dark green leaves) and green beans.  We should not eat nuts at all because nuts takes 5 years off of our life...believe it or not.  Nuts are too hard on our delicate stomach.  And our bodies cannot digest nuts no matter what you do to them.  We can eat seeds pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and almonds (almonds are considered a seed because the tree flowers and also you can get them from the middle of a peach seed).  Things such as chips, cookies, ice cream, crackers, candy, fried foods, among others should not be eaten at all or eaten in moderation, once every other month.
Drinking, smoking and drugs should be avoided at all times.
This blog is in no way written to give medical advice or to presuade not to seek medical advice.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Breast Cancer Treatment in India

Breast Cancer Treatment in India.

1)   Mastectomy :
Mastectomy is the surgical removal of a breast. This Surgical procedure is presently the most common treatment for breast cancer. Following mastectomy, immediate or delayed breast reconstruction is feasible in lots of instances, Surgical procedures in Mastectomy : -
Radical mastectomy : removal of the entire breast, nipple/areolar region, the pectoral (chest) major     and minor muscles, and lymph nodes. This procedure is rarely performed today.
Quandrantectomy : removal of a quarter of the breast, including the skin and breast fascia (connective tissues). The surgeon may also perform a separate procedure to remove some or all of the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes, either an axillary node dissection or a sentinel node biopsy.
Simple or total mastectomy : removal of the breast, with its all skin and nipple, but no lymph nodes. In some cases, a separate sentinel node biopsy is performed to remove only the first one to three axillary (armpit) lymph nodes.
Modified radical mastectomy : removal of the entire breast, nipple/areolar region, and often the axillary lymph nodes. This is the most common form of mastectomy performed today.

2)   Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy :
Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a new procedure that involves removing only one to two sentinel lymph nodes (the first nodes in the lymphatic chain). To perform sentinel node biopsy, a radioactive tracer and/or blue dye is injected in to a region of a tumor. The dye is then carried to the sentinel node (the lymph node most likely to be infected if the illness has spread from its original origin).

3)   Axillary Node Dissection :
Axillary nodes, is usually performed on patients with spreading cancers. A radical mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, or lumpectomy operation often includes axillary node dissection (this involves a separate incision for lumpectomy patients). After surgical procedure, the axillary lymph nodes are examined under a microscope to decide whether the cancer has spread past the breast & to assess treatment options.

4)   Lumpectomy :
Lumpectomy is the surgical removal of a cancerous lump (or tumor) in the breast, along with a little margin of the surrounding normal breast tissue. Lumpectomy may even be called wide excision biopsy, breast conserving therapy or quadrantectomy (this latter term is used when up to one fourth of the breast is removed). The procedure is often performed on ladies with little or localized breast cancers and can be an stunning surgical treatment option for breast cancer because it allows ladies to maintain most of their breast after surgical procedure.

5)   chemotherapy :
This section is intended to provide general information on chemotherapy for breast cancer patients and to speak about a variety of feasible side effects of chemotherapy drugs. Because chemotherapy regimens are individually tailored, the categories of drugs administered and their side effects will vary considerably. While this news story discusses lots of of the side effects of chemotherapy in detail, it is important to note that the huge majority of the side effects associated with chemotherapy are temporary and only occur in the work of or immediately after treatment.

6)   Radiation Therapy for the Treatment :
Radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) makes use of high-energy rays to cease cancer cells from growing and dividing. Radiation therapy is often used to damage any remaining breast cancer cells in the breast, chest wall, or axilla (underarm) area after surgical procedure. Occasionally, radiation therapy is used before surgical procedure to shrink the size of a tumor. A common treatment for early stage breast cancer is breast-conserving therapy. Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) is the surgical removal of a breast lump (lumpectomy) and a surrounding margin of normal breast tissue.

Breast Cancer Facts

Breast Cancer Facts.

  1. Age : – The chances of developing breast cancer increase lots with age. Close to 80 percent of breast cancers occur in women older than age of 50's. In 30's, you have a one in 233 chances of developing breast cancer. By age 85, your chance is one in eight,
  2.  Birth control pills : – Use of contraceptive pills are associated with an increased risk factor of breast cancer in premenopausal Womens. The risk appears to be greater for Womens who use birth control pills for seven or more years before their first full-term pregnancy,
  3. Family history : – If you have a mother, sister or daughter with breast or ovarian cancer or both, or a male relative with breast cancer, you have a greater chance of also developing breast cancer,
  4. A personal history of breast cancer : – If you’ve had breast cancer in one breast, you have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast, so this way your both the breasts are affected by cancer,
  5. Smoking : – Evidence is mixed on the relationship between smoking and breast cancer risk. Some studies show no link between cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke and breast cancer,
  6. Excessive use of alcohol : – Womens who are drinking more than one alcoholic beverage a day have about a 20 percent greater risk of breast cancer than do women who don’t drink. To reduce your breast cancer risk, limit alcohol to no more than one drink daily.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Breast Cancer Signs, Symptoms

Breast Cancer Signs, Symptoms.

     The term Breast Cancer relates to malignant tumor that is developing from cells in the breasts. The breast consists of four types of tissues out of which two main types of tissues are: glandular tissues and stromal (supporting) tissues. stromal tissues include fatty and fibrous connective tissues of the breast while Glandular tissues house the milk-producing glands (lobules) and the ducts (the milk passages). The breast is also made up of lymphatic tissue-immune technique tissue that removes cellular fluids and waste.

The October 2010 was the month of the Breast Cancer Awareness. Lots of people were cooperating in this event through wearing pinks. It was important that they became an element of this type of events, to educate people around the globe about this type of disease.

Over 13 lacs of womens are diagnosed in world who acquired this type of disease in every year. Wherein  half million of its patients died, on its record 40,000 of them came from the United States.

Symptoms and Signs.
Many of us are unaware about the signs of breast cancer, and it is very important to know the early signs of this disease for early medications and treatments.

Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. In fact, when it first develops, Most of the times, there's no outer signs that you can see or feel to know in case you have acquired the disease. However, they can say that the only sign that you can recognize is the occurrence of a lump or a thickening area in the breast. Other signs to recognize are enlargement of the underarm lymph node, discharge from the nipple, breast swelling and redness of the area.

Even you experienced all of this Symptoms of breast cancer; it does not mean that you are suffering from the cancer. In most cases, having breast lumps does not make any guarantee than you have an acute kind of cancer, it usually turn out to be benign, a not cancerous type of lumps.

If your major concern is to know whether these lumps are cancerous, it is important for you to visit your doctor immediately to remove your worry. Having a physical breast examination can help you find in case you do have lumps that have huge potential of becoming cancerous.

Breast cancer is a common cancer nowadays. A number of the patients will must undergo a surgical operation as a part of the cancer management plan. Mastectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or both breasts. This surgical procedure may cause an emotional and a cosmetic issue in those females due to the loss of her breast.

However the solution is Breast reconstruction. As the name suggests, it is a surgical procedure that rebuilds the breast after mastectomy so that the normal shape and size will be attained.

Reconstruction can be done either immediately after mastectomy (in the same surgical setting) or delayed after months and years from the mastectomy surgical procedure.